Sunday, September 25, 2005

Welcome to Fibromyalgia Success Stories--We're New Here, But Ready To Grow!!

Thank you for clicking on I created this site because I have worked with many different people who faced a number of life challenges. I am a chiropractor in New York State and I have worked with folks who were told they have fibromyalgia. I prefer to not get so wrapped up in the name fibromyalgia, a painful, energy draining situation. A person has to experieince a list of symptoms in order to receive the diagnosis. They usually go through a series of tests that show nothing clinically significant. Then, they are told they have nothing serious that requires immediate intervention and to live with it. This is quite demoralizing. As a chiropractor I offer natural options. Most people are unhappy with the pharmaceitical approach because it is a trial and error attempt with side effects that perpetuate the problem.
Fibromyalgia can be described as a result of "overload." Figuring out the source (most likely sources) of the "overload" can shed much light on the situation. Today's stressful world gives us many opportunities to become "overloaded" physically and mentally.
Let this blog be your tool box. Tools aid you in getting a job done. Your stories can help others find a better tool. One size does not fit all, and not all ideas work for everybody. The real gift is in the momentum it creates for more open mindedness. Afterall, it takes an open mind to delve into the complexities of life. Stay open minded, value the journey, and never stop learning.


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