Meet My Guest Writer Patricia Andrews
I have only met Patricia over the internet. She found my web log and shared with me her project. Please take a look at Patricia's information. She has a remarkable story and she is working on a book based on her experiences.
"I have outlived two husbands and raised four children by myself. At 37, I graduated from Pomona College, Phi Beta Kappa, Cum Laude, with a B.A. in Botany. I went on to earn first an M.A. in 1964, then a Ph.D. in 1972 as a Botanist-Environmentalist from Claremont Graduate School in California.
During that time and following, I became interested in plants from a health standpoint. As a result of further education, I am an Herbalist, Iridologist, Nutritional Counselor, Healer and a Kinesiologist and I have owned a Natural Products Store.
In 2000, I developed Fibromyalgia and by 2001 I was in bad shape. While confined to a recliner chair for two months, I decided to change my total outlook on life. I returned to researching natural products, homeopathies, exercise and diet regarding FMS. I also did spiritual healing, meditation, visualization and set an intention to be totally well.
In September 2001, 10-months into the disease after almost 30 years of marriage, my second husband died suddenly of a heart attack. At that time, I could barely walk without help and his death set me back somewhat. Three months later I again made a huge change in my attitude about life and my part in it. Six months after that, I was leading a normal life.
I do more now than I did prior to the FMS. In 2004 I moved from my home where I had lived for 23 years to be near my daughter. I now raise chickens, guinea pigs, have 3 cats, and an old dog. I have joyfully returned to square dancing weekly."
Fight Fibromyalgia successfully- using ALL natural products.
Here are the Chapter Titles from my Free Report. They are only 7 out of the 22 in my book. but I share many of the steps I took to heal ME! So please check it out, and remember this is just a sampling of what you'll get in my upcoming book:
Chapter 1: So it wasn't an overnight miracle
Chapter 2: Doctors wouldn't believe this one
Chapter 3: Start by eavesdropping...
Chapter 4: I wouldn't know a 'stress' if I found one
Chapter 5: But I'm the most positive person I know
Chapter 6: When I tried these, even I didn't believe the results!
Chapter 7: You really deserve this!
CLICK HERE for Paticia's Diary
Remember to tell me what you want to see in a fibromyalgia book!! What isn't being talked about?
-Dr. Lisa
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